FYI: Jaya Vrahjah Dhaam! Site(s) done having been dedicated to the (transcendental) Holy Name(s) as well as the
previous acharyas and my dear departed mother who left this world in
August of 2014. "Books are the basis, purity is the force, preaching is the essence, and utility is the principle!" Lest we forget! "What the world needs now is love sweet love!" Haree-bol! The Mahāmantra is divinely and supremely great, is online 24/7 eternally, and has been edited primarily for reading/chanting by (XPLAT) DeskBot/Sukagent & Espeak)
English TTS voices. Of course Sukagent (DeskBot) can do chanting of The Mahāmantra using a number of European languages, as can various computer platforms TTS applications. One of the reasons why the personal phonetic editing work of the Vedabase has been put on hold for now. So this site is now complete in itself! Bas! Besides, there are not any hard and fast rules to the chanting of the Mahāmantra anyway! DeskBot/MSAgents and the 2003.1 version of the Vedabase are now also cross-platform downloads courtesy of Codeweaver's Crossover application, at a $$$ price, also for Apple Silicon computers! Jai! Gaurahnga! The unedited (English) Mahāmantra (Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare; Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare) can
be read/chanted by most English (India) TTS voices including on Micro$oft Window$ (and also on smartphones) as well as Google's Spanish TTS voice using the EasyTTS app. Also by Google
Translate and using the cross-platform Translatium application and the Linux XPlat Crow Translate application (to Bengali and Hindi), also when translated @ "Gaurangah" also @ Any computer can read diacritics using the Indian English Aditi voice (included with the VoiceGen application for Linux that also works in WindowsOS) online @ English/, also to say "Jaya Bhaktavatsala Prabhu" and "Jaya Srila Prabhupaada" and "Jaya Nitai Gaurangah" as well. Also "Vaishnava sanga ki jai!" and "Parama Karuna! Jai! Haribol!" Micro$oft's (online) Azure (AI) English (India) TTS voices do okay with diacritic texts, otherwise the standard voices CAN'T properly. Computer TTS simply speaks the Holy Names, without being biased in any way. That's their real/true glory! The opensource (cross-platform) eSpeak
Hindi voice can chant the Mahāmantra using the terminal command:
espeak -vhi "हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे; हरे राम हरे राम
राम राम हरे हरे।" in Linux, and using Balabolka on Windows
platform. Also espeak -vhi "(जय) श्रीकृष्णचैतन्य प्रभु नित्यानंद,श्री अद्वैत गदाधर श्रीवासादि गौर भक्तवृंद." The English voice(s) can chant the phonetically edited
Mahāmantra (works fine also with the new eSpeak-NG for Window$ and Linux (commandline), as well as for MacO$). As for the online Bhaktivedanta Vedabase, the Read Aloud browser extension can read it reasonably well (at a $$$ price) using an English (India) TTS voice.
Note, Google's premium WaveNet voices have limited free usage per month. Life
is not complete without hearing about spiritual topics. If one appreciates this website
please share it with friends and family members, and feel free to chant and get your computer(s) chanting. The more the better! Jai! AGTSP!
Harinam sankir-tan key jai! Am personally limited to how much phonetic editing can be achieved due to BBT
copyrights. As it is the ISKCON BBT is not particularly interested in any computer's phonetic pronunciation of Vedabase texts so that also limits how much can be achieved.
Nevertheless phonetic editing contributions are encouraged! Also MSAgent TTS technology has a limited although hopefully extended life span. Anyway, something's better than nothing!!! Besides, enough done to get the idea! Anyway, A.I. will probably not learn to perfectly read the Vedabase eventually, as it makes mistakes, according to Google's Gemini A.I. bot, and can never understand what is pure Prema Bhakti (devotion) anyway, however ChatGPT can assist with further phonetic editing of Vedabase diacritic texts, which is better than nothing! If agreeable please share the results of any/all personal efforts by please making contact (via email) with it attached. It does take personal devotion to get computers (and oneself) chanting and reading the Bhaktivedanta Vedabase!!! Jai! It also takes devotion to phonetically edit Vedabase texts! It's enough done personally however! If
anyone wants more done they are encouraged to also be a bright spark
and have a go themselves, being so motivated and inspired to participate, and being (humbly) assisted by ChatGPT/"Dr Know/Knohwji" (of course)! Anyway, that's
the dream statement to (hopefully) inspire/motivate any (potentially) positively bright spark (devotee) dreamer(s) to participate!!! So, that's (also) the great (potentially immense and endless) Vedabase phonetic editing proposal/challenge! Continuing on the dream, keeping it going/happening!!! Jai! Or else (otherwise) possibly not after all, depending on participation or lack of participation! A matter of personal choice entirely! Hahriboal! Anyway, at least one can Bookmark (save) this historic non-political (multitasking) miracle website! And please feel free to share it far and wide! "The dogs may bark but the caravan moves on!" Jai! "Matter cannot move without the touch of spirit!" Hurray/Hare Krishna!!! Kaliyuga! Anyway, have a reasonably good/excellent day (and night)! Audio files can be opened and played in individual tabs! Anyway, am humbly praying to be forgiven by the Supreme Lord but am now personally TAKING LEAVE (with persistency) from phonetic editing work, at the moment!!! At times it's true that "less is more!" BAS!!! Of course (fortunately) the Supreme Personality of Godhead never shirks from His eternal duties and extremely profound responsibilities. Jai! So, will now conclude by simply saying all the best with it! This ISKCON based website is fully cross-platform (XPLAT) compatible & capable! "Anybody
who wants *peace, love*, and happiness can find these in your books, in your instructions. Your torch of knowledge is guiding people out of
ignorance and onto the right path, the way of liberation. Yes, without your books, without your mercy, we could not know
who God is, how we can get real happiness, or what we must do to go back
to the spiritual world, Krishnaloka. Thank you for all your gifts,
especially the mahā-mantra." >>> *Ref.* *VedaBase* - Gheetah Nahgahree Bahrooh. Jaya Sukagent & His Divine Grace Śrīla Prabhupāda! NB: One should grow old gracefully and passively as death represents Lord Krishna!!! And, "make the best use of a bad bargain!" Material world(s)!!! Jaya Gaurahngaji! All glories! Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare; Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, *Jai! Nitai Gaurahngah! Hari Haree-bol!* Jaya Nitai Gaurah Rahdhay Shyahhmm!!! Jaya Rahdhah Koohnd! Jaya Shyahhmmah Koohnd! Jaya Gihreegohvardhahn! Jaya Shree Vrihnndahhhvahn Dhahhmmm!!! Gaurahnga Nitai!!! Jai hoe! Hurray Krishna Hurray Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hurray Hurray; Hurray Rahma Hurray Rahma, Rahma Rahma Hurray Hurray! Hari Haree-bol!!!*


* Hurray Krishna! *
